Author Archives: HamadJ87

About HamadJ87

Diverse Human Resources experience spanning semi-government, startups, business consulting, oil/gas, petrochemicals and multinational corporations. Deep understanding of multiple sectors of economy. Drives business performance, people and culture change, and transformation initiatives through encouragement and empowerment, and human capital management expertise. Leverages best practices, and regional experience to identify challenges to deliver sustained results. He has experience in business development strategies and corporate policies by: • Planning and managing working capital and general budgets. • Development of management transformation strategies. • Applying the latest global practices in planning organizational structures and human resources strategies. • Develop global human resources mechanisms and systems Education & Certifications: • Certified Trainer by Center for Creative Leadership • Certified in Change Management from Prosci • Certified from KornFerry in TalentQ Assessments and Job Evaluations • Associate CIPD Member • Bachelor degree in Psychology • Associate degree in Computer Science

عربي باللغة الإنجليزية

أنا سعودي، عربي، مسلم… لست أستحي من لغتي ولا أعتبرها مصدر احراج،،، ولكن -وبكل أمانة- سئمت قراءة المقالات التي تعتبر من هم مثلي فاقد لهويته، جاهل بلغته، وقد تصل إلى أنه خائن لأصله… وللتوضيح أنا لست ضد اثراء المحتوى العربي، فقط مللت الهراء حول المقالات التي تندد ضد من لا يستخدمها في العمل.

Sectors in Saudi Arabia v2.0

Back in 2013 I wrote about the different sectors in Saudi Arabia, the landscape has significantly changed with the push of SaudiVision2030, therefore I decided to take a snapshot of… Read more »

CoronaVirus (Covid-19) and The Future of Jobs

The CoronaVirus  (Covid-19) has caused a global economic halt and has been confirmed as a global pandemic by the World Health Organization, countries have shut down borders, canceled schools (or at least physical attendance), canceled sporting events, basically, the world is shifting towards social distancing at a very high pace, and with the jobs and markets got affected greatly. And with all the people panicking on the short and mid-term (with just cause of course), this pandemic got me thinking about the future, especially that the machine in all its forms is slowly picking pace

Human Resources Leadership

I understand that the topic I am about to talk about can be a very sensitive topic, but it has been a topic that I have been discussing extensively amongst my professional circles, and it is due to the interesting increase of incidents where the head of the Human Resources function is not an HR professional

The Bullying Boss

Turnover is a very important key performance indicator for the human resources department, That affects the overall organization’s performance, and if we look at the major underlining reason we will have to review the work of James K. Harter, Ph.D., Gallup’s chief scientist for workplace management, people leave companies because of factors that filter through the local work environment. At least 75% of the reasons for voluntary turnover can be influenced by managers.

Competencies (An Introduction)

Competence is the set of demonstrable characteristics and skills that enable, and improve the efficiency of, the performance of a job.