Tag: Instructor

Oil Generation

This was the generation that entered the workforce during the oil era of Saudi Arabia (1938 to 1960). That time was also different; having grown up when King Abdulaziz was just finishing uniting the now known as Saudi Arabia. Additionally, entering the workforce when most workers were needed as operational workers to work in the oil field, or the building of the Tapline or the construction of the railroad or joining the newly established (Military Industries Corporation), and (Saudia, previously known as Saudi Airlines).

Pre-Oil Generation

This was the generation that entered the workforce before the oil was found (1938). It is, of course, important to remember that the period was before the industrial revolution in Saudi Arabia went into huge effect.  King Abdulaziz was uniting the now known as Saudi Arabia.

Developing Mentoring Skills in the Workplace

Mentoring is a relationship between a senior employee and a junior employee not in the same chain of command but in the same specialization, the mentor has to be capable… Read more »

Developing Coaching Skills for the Workplace

Coaching is an extremely important and helpful tool, and it is necessary to be implemented in an organization correctly. Coaching has different modules that can help in carrying out a… Read more »

Training Delivery Types (Instructor-Led Training)

Previously I have talked about “Training, What Does It Really Do To The Employee And The Company?”, now I will go into some details about Training Delivery Types for Instructor-Led Training:… Read more »