Training, What Does It Really Do To The Employee And The Company?


Training, What Does It Really Do To The Employee And The Company?


Well, first thing is first, Wikipedia defines training as “Training is the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies as a result of the teaching of vocational or practical skills and knowledge that relate to specific useful competencies.”, now that we defined training, lets dissect it, what are the types of training:


Behaviors are widely recognized as a significant key to peoples’ success in the business world. Behavioral Training enables employees to learn those skills and practice them, and correctly implement them in the daily lives that should help them succeed.
Some examples of behavioral training include (but not limited too):

      • Communication Skills
      • Negotiating Skills
      • Presentation Skills
      • Time Management
      • Interpersonal Skills
      • and the list goes on…


    • Technical Training:

Technical training is the process of teaching employees how to more accurately and thoroughly perform the technical components of their jobs. Training can include technology applications, products, sales and service tactics, and more. Technical skills are job-specific.

Safety Training is considered relatively new, but highly growing, it is indeed as important as the above types, if not a little bit more, and focuses on dealing with all the potential hazards that could face you on the job.


Now that we saw the types, let’s take a look on the delivery types:

    • OJT (On the Job Training):

I like to call this type as shadow training, as in this you are being trained hands on and by a senior proffesional that has been doing the job for a while, it is considered one of the best ways of actually learning, but most likely not recognized out of your organization.


Instructor led training is usually an interactive lecture provided by a well established instructor and approved by a trusted training provider. now this is delivered as an in-house or external training.


    • Online Training:

This is the new age of training, although I am not a very big fan of it (I am surprised of that fact myself) but I have to say, it has its following, and looks like it is going to be one of the most reliable teaching tools of tomorrow.

Now that we looked at the types, I would like to get into more details on the benefits of training: did a research in 2011 titled: “Recruiting Top Graduates in Saudi Arabia“, and the number one basis of graduates’ career decisions was “Good Training and Development”. Now why would that be? first of all, training helps employees feel confident that they are competent in doing their jobs, also, it can assures them that the company is planning to give them the opportunity to grow within the company.

In addition, (and this only applies to the external training) it gives them the opportunity to network and exchange with other “same profision” professionals.

After completing any training, the employee is usually excited to implement what he learned, and loyal to the company that gave him this additional knowledge.

All this is boosting employee moral and satisfaction, the company will -of course- benefit from the above in the sense of productivity, but also, knowing that the employees are competent -with proof- to do the job will boost the company’s reputation and credibility in the market which will most defiantly help in attracting new employees and new business opportunities.

3 comments on “Training, What Does It Really Do To The Employee And The Company?

  1. Pingback: Training Delivery Types (Instructor-Led Training) | HR Masterkey

  2. Pingback: Behavioral/Soft Skills Training | HR Masterkey

  3. Pingback: Safety Training | HR Masterkey

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